Author :

Agnes Smith

Post Uploaded Date : May 21, 2024 Last Updated Date : May 31, 2024

Soma Vs Flexeril: A Comprehensive Comparison

soma vs flexeril

Soma vs. Flexeril is a comparative study of both muscle relaxants based on various factors.

Soma pill is a better muscle relaxer for people with higher user ratings, quicker onset of action, and affordability. It also has a lower risk of drug interaction compared to Flexeril.

Muscle spasms and musculoskeletal conditions can affect daily activities and impact overall quality of life. To manage these conditions, healthcare providers commonly prescribe muscle relaxants such as Soma (carisoprodol) and Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine). While both medications help relieve muscle spasms, understanding their similarities and differences is crucial in determining which one is best suited for individual needs.

In this comprehensive guide, we look into the similarities and distinctions between Soma and Flexeril, exploring their mechanisms of action, potential side effects, and considerations for use.

Understanding Soma Pill And Flexeril

Before we get into the comparative analysis of the Soma pill and Flexeril, it is important to understand these two muscle relaxers.

What is Soma?

Carisoprodol, sold under Soma, is a centrally-acting muscle relaxer that treats short-term musculoskeletal pain. In 1959, the FDA approved carisoprodol for medical use [1]. It is often prescribed with rest and physical therapy for better results.

What is Flexeril?

Flexeril is the brand name of Cyclobenzaprine, which is an effective muscle relaxant that treats muscle spasms. The Food and Drug Administration approved this medication in 1977.

A few notable characteristics of Soma and Flexeril are provided below.

Characteristics Soma Pill Flexeril
Generic name Carisoprodol Cyclobenzaprine
Brand name Prosoma, Pain O Soma, and Watson Soma.
Manufacturer Hab Pharmaceuticals & Research Ltd Merck Sharp & Dohme
Onset Of Action 30 minutes 30 minutes to 1 hour
Duration Of Action 4 to 6 hours. 4 to 6 hours.
Duration Of Action 30 minutes 30 minutes
Dosage Form Tablets Tablets
Routes Of Administration Orally by mouth. Orally by mouth.

Similarities Between Flexeril And Soma Pill

The key similarities between Soma (carisoprodol) and Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) include the following.

  • They work by depressing the central nervous system.

  • Both the Soma pill and Flexeril are Skeletal muscle relaxants that help treat pain caused by muscle strain, sprain, and spasm.

  • They may cause similar side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and dry mouth.

  • Both drugs are typically used as short-term treatments and are not recommended for long-term use without medical supervision.

  • A medical prescription is required to get both the Soma pill and Flexeril.

Difference Between Soma And Flexeril

Apart from the similarities, the notable differences between Carisoprodol and Cyclobenzaprine are listed below.

Mechanism Of Action

  • Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine)- It works by blocking nerve impulses or pain sensations sent to the brain from the affected body part. It helps to relax muscles and alleviate muscle spasms.

  • Soma (Carisoprodol)- Soma pill’s working mechanism includes affecting the central nervous system and blocking pain sensations between nerves and the brain.

Dosage And Administration

Flexeril is prescribed as 5 mg to 10 mg three times daily, with a maximum recommended duration of use due to the potential for tolerance and dependency.

Soma pill is usually prescribed 250 mg to 350 mg three times daily to beginners. People with severe body pain are prescribed Soma 500 mg. Caution is advised for long-term use due to similar concerns about tolerance and dependency.


The cost of a Soma pill for both the dosage strength (350 mg and 500 mg) is $0.74 per pill at the Online pills store. On the other hand, the average cost of Flexeril is between $1 and $5 per pill.


User Reviews Comparison

The user rating of Carisoprodol on Drugs is 9.1 out of 10, whereas Flexeril has a rating of 5.9 out of 10 [5,6].

Condition Soma User Rating Flexeril User Rating
Muscle Spasm 9.1 6.0
Nocturnal Leg Cramps 9.1
Sciatica 5.4

Meanwhile, the Soma pill has a rating of 4.2 out of 5, and Flexeril has a rating of 3.7 out of 5 on WebMD [7,8].

Pregnancy Category

The FDA categorizes pregnancy drugs into four categories depending on the results of animal studies and in pregnant women.

Carisoprodol is a Category C pregnancy medication, whereas Cyclobenzaprine is a Category B drug.

Category B pregnancy medications show no risk in animal studies. They also have no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Whereas, in Category C medications, animal studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus.

Soma vs. Flexeril: Key Variations in Their Uses

A comparison between the Soma pill and Flexeril for treating chronic back pain, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and muscle discomfort is discussed below.

Flexeril Vs. Soma for Chronic Back Pain Relief

Back pain is a type of pain that is felt in the back, typically near the spinal cord. It can be classified as middle back pain, neck pain, or lower back pain. When the back pain lasts for three months or more, it is termed chronic back pain.

Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) and Soma (carisoprodol) are both viable options for managing chronic back pain. However, the choice between them should be based on individual factors, including efficacy, safety profile, and patient preferences.

Soma vs. Flexeril for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a long-lasting condition that causes tenderness and pain throughout the body, insomnia, and fatigue [2]. Soma or Carisoprodol can help reduce pain caused by muscle spasms and pain associated with Fibromyalgia.

According to a 1989 study, Soma effectively improved sleep quality, reduced pain, and increased feelings of well-being in people with fibromyalgia. In addition, it was found that Acetaminophen, Carisoprodol, and caffeine were effective as treatments for fibromyalgia [3].

On the other hand, Flexeril can also improve sleep and reduce pain in cases of fibromyalgia.

A study published in 2011 showed that Flexeril showed promising results for the treatment of fibromyalgia, where it increased the sleep time from 5.4 hours to 6.4 hours. It also reduced body pain by 26% compared to 18% in the control group. There was also a significant reduction in depression and tenderness in those who took Cyclobenzaprine [4].

Soma vs. Flexeril for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition that can affect the spinal cord and brain. It is a chronic condition (long-term) that is occasionally mild but can sometimes cause severe disability.

Soma muscle relaxants and Flexeril are often prescribed for patients with Multiple Sclerosis because these muscle relaxants help with some of the common symptoms of Multiple sclerosis, such as pain and muscle spasms.

Soma vs. Flexeril for Muscle Strains and Sprains

A sprain is defined as a torn or stretched ligament, whereas a strain is a torn or stretched muscle or tendon.

Carisoprodol and Cyclobenzaprine, in conjunction with physical therapy, rest, and other treatments, are used to relax muscles and relieve discomfort and pain caused by muscle sprains and strains.

Both medicines belong to the class of drugs known as skeletal muscle relaxants and work by relaxing the muscles by acting on the nervous system and brain.

Soma Vs Cyclobenzaprine- Safety Profile And Side Effects

Some possible side effects of Flexeril are dry mouth, headache, blurred vision, stomach pain, drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, muscle weakness, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.

On the other hand, the possible adverse events of the Soma pill are drowsiness, agitation, nervousness, dizziness, tremors, headache, irritability, insomnia, blurred vision, depression, upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting.

Cyclobenzaprine Vs Soma- Drug Interaction

A drug interaction is a reaction between two or more medications. It may also occur when a medication is taken with food, supplements, and beverages.

Soma pills can interact with 368 medications, resulting in 28 major, 339 moderate, and 1 minor drug interactions [9]. On the other hand, Flexeril can interact with 440 medications, causing 91 major, 343 moderate, and 6 minor drug interactions [10].

Some medications (not a complete list) that should be taken with the Soma pill and Flexeril are listed below.

Soma Drug Interaction Flexeril Drug Interaction
Amoxapine Amobarbital
Alfentanil Bumetanide
Buprenorphine Citalopram
Codeine Ergotamine
Dezocine Frovatriptan
Estazolam Isocarboxazid
Fentanyl Milnacipran
Ganaxolone Paroxetine
Hydroxyzine Trazodone
Metoprolol Vilazodone

Precautionary Measures To Know Before Taking Soma Or Flexeril

Before taking any muscle relaxants, follow these points to avoid side effects.

  • You should not take Soma or Flexeril if you are above 65 years of age.

  • Avoid alcohol while on the medication.

  • Do not overdose on the medicines.

  • Refrain from taking these medications if you suffer from kidney and liver disorders.

Soma vs. Flexeril- Our Final Thoughts

From our findings and understanding of the topic, we conclude that the Soma pill is a better choice for muscle relaxers. Soma pill is an affordable muscle relaxant with a better user rating, quicker onset of action, and a lower risk of drug interaction.

A similar comparative study between Soma and Robaxin further confirms that it is more pocket-friendly.

Here is a list of the pros and cons of Carisoprodol and Cyclobenzaprine to help you decide between the two.

Medication Pros Cons
Soma pill
  • Works within 30 minutes of intake.
  • It is available in different dosage strengths.
  • More affordable.
  • Lower risk of drug interaction.
  • Better user rating.
  • Needs to be taken 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Soma pills can be habit-forming.
  • Not recommended for people below 17 years and above 65 years.
  • It is not recommended for long-term use.
  • Considered safe for people with kidney disorders.
  • It can treat Sciatica, which may not show effective results from the Soma pill.
  • It is comparatively more expensive.
  • Lower user ratings.
  • It can be habit-forming.
  • Long-term use is not advisable.
  • Higher possibility for drug interaction.

If you are wondering how Soma muscle relaxers differ from opioid medications or which is a better pain treatment option, then we recommend you go through our Carisoprodol vs Tramadol blog for a better understanding of the topic.


+ Is Flexeril the same as Soma?

Yes, Flexeril and Soma are the same. Both act as muscle relaxers to fight body aches.

+ How do muscle relaxants work?

The Muscle relaxants work effectively by blocking the body’s ache sensation to reach the brain. We human beings react to any sensation once it is reached to the brain. The Carisoprodol blocks the nerves that send signals to the brain about any sensation.

+ Why are skeletal muscle relaxants used?

Muscle relaxants are usually used for short-term body aches. Some examples of short-term aches are cuts, tooth decay, headache, post-operation troubles.

+ Is the Soma pill effective for long-term use?

Yes, Soma pills are effective for long-term use. But it is not advisable for the intake of any medication for the entire life. Muscle relaxants should preferably be taken for a shorter period of time.

+ Can I take two muscle relaxants at the same time?

No, You cannot take two muscle relaxants at the same time. One dose of Carisoprodol is effective for 10 to 12 hours. After that, it may cause adverse effects on the body.

+ Which is the best muscle relaxer?

Comparison is quite tough as there are plenty of muscle relaxers. But, unfortunately, all the muscle does the same thing, blocking the nervous system for the ache sensation to reach the brain.

+ Is tramadol a muscle relaxer?

Yes, Tramadol is a muscle relaxer that does the same work as Soma or Flexeril, blocking the nervous system for the ache to reach the brain.

+ How long do muscle relaxers work?

The muscle relaxers work in the human body for 10 to 12 hours.

+ Which is better Flexeril or Carisoprodol?

Both Flexeril and carisoprodol are effective muscle relaxants but Carisoprodol has an average rating of 9 out of 10 on the website whereas Flexeril has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 on the same website making carisoprodol better.

+ Is Cyclobenzaprine same as Soma?

Yes, because some of them are muscle relaxants.

+ Does Soma actually relax muscles?

Yes, Soma works by relaxing the muscles.

+ Is Soma stronger than Flexeril?

According to the ratings on, Soma is stronger than Flexeril.

+ How many Flexerils equal a Soma?

The equivalent dosage of Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) to Soma (carisoprodol) can vary based on factors such as individual response, medical history, and specific circumstances. It is important to consult with a doctor for personalized dosage recommendations and to avoid self-dosing.

+ Is Soma stronger than Flexeril?

Soma has a faster onset of action than Flexeril. However, they are both muscle relaxers that help treat pain associated with musculoskeletal body pain.


  1. Carisoprodol, wikipedia.

  2. What is Fibromyalgia? - Symptoms & Treatment | NIAMS.

  3. Soma (Carisoprodol) for Fibromyalgia, myfibroteam.

  4. Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) for Fibromyalgia, myfibroteam.

  5. Carisoprodol User Reviews & Ratings, Drugs.

  6. Flexeril User Reviews & Ratings, Drugs.

  7. Carisoprodol Oral Reviews and User Ratings, WebMD.

  8. Flexeril Oral Reviews and User Ratings, WebMD.

  9. Carisoprodol Interactions, Drugs.

  10. Flexeril Interactions, Drugs.


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