Pregabalin Capsules

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Pregabalin is a prescription medication that belongs to a class of drugs called anticonvulsants. It is commonly used to treat conditions like neuropathic pain and seizures. Additionally, Pregabalin is used to manage fibromyalgia, a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain in muscles, and it is also prescribed for generalized anxiety disorder.

It works by regulating the activity of the neurotransmitters in the brain, thus reducing abnormal electrical activity and lowering pain signals.

Pregabalin Brand Name

Pregabalin is marketed by Pfizer under the brand name Lyrica. It is also available under the brand name Nervigesic, which is manufactured by Signature Pharmaceuticals in India.

What is pregabalin used for?

Pregabalin, or Nervigesic, is prescribed for three primary therapeutic purposes, which include neuropathic pain, seizures, and pain associated with Fibromyalgia.

Neuropathic Pain Relief

Pregabalin is the first line of treatment for managing neuropathic pain, which is caused by damage or dysfunction in the nervous system. It treats nerve pain by controlling the brain chemicals that send signals to the nerves and reducing the pain.

For Seizure And Epilepsy

Pregabalin is an antiepileptic drug that is used for the treatment of seizures. It is used as an adjunctive therapy along with other treatments for managing seizures.

Fibromyalgia Management

Pregabalin for Fibromyalgia is approved by the FDA. It helps in reducing pain symptoms, fatigue, and sleep disturbance associated with the condition.

Additionally, the three off-label uses for pregabalin capsules include managing anxiety, restless leg syndrome, and opioid withdrawal.

Benefits Of Choosing Nervigesic

The four key benefits of pregabalin that make it a better treatment option are its affordability, safety profile for patients with liver disorder, high potency, and lower health risk factors.

  • Nervigesic, the brand drug of Pregabalin, is an affordable and cost-effective medication. The price of Nervigesic varies depending on the pill package and the dosage strength. At online Pills Store, the cost of Nervigesic varies between $1.12 per pill to $1.23 per pill.

  • The Pregabalin capsule is not metabolized in the liver and is considered safe for use in patients with liver or hepatic disorders.

  • It shows high potency and efficacy across all dosage strengths.

  • Pregabalin, along with its brand drugs, shows minimal side effects and a low risk of addiction.

Pregabalin Dose

Pregabalin is available in capsule or tablet form, and dosages are adjusted based on individual needs and tolerances. Nervigesic, the brand drug, has three primary strengths- 75 mg, 150 mg, and 300 mg.

Pregabalin Max Dose For Adults

The maximum dose of Pregabalin for adults varies based on the medical condition.

  • Its maximum dose for diabetic neuropathy and Generalized Anxiety Disorder is 300 mg per day.

  • For Fibromyalgia and restless leg syndrome, take up to 450 mg of Pregabalin a day.

  • The maximum dose for epilepsy and neuropathic pain is 600 mg per day.

Comparison Between Dosage Strengths

Below is a comparison between the three common dosage strengths of Pregabalin or Nervigesic- 75mg, 150mg, and 300 mg, to help you choose the right dose.

Nervigesic 75 mg

The Nervigesic 75 mg is often the starting dose for the conditions treated by the medication, along with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is ideal for beginners, and the dosage strength can be increased gradually depending on the severity of the pain.

Nervigesic 150 mg

The Nervigesic 150 mg dosage strength is suitable for treating fibromyalgia and moderate body pain. It is also recommended as the maintenance dosage, which is required to maintain the medication’s therapeutic effect.

This dosage strength may be prescribed if the lower dose does not provide effective pain relief.

Nervigesic 300 mg

The Nervigesic 300 mg is the highest dosage strength of Nervigesic and is advised for treating severe neuropathic pain.

This is often only prescribed where lower doses have not been effective or for conditions requiring a higher dose of the medication.

Administration Guidelines

  • Pregabalin is typically taken orally, twice or thrice daily.

  • Take the dosage as prescribed by your doctor. Do not change or increase the dosage without consulting your physician.

  • Take the medication as a whole without crushing or breaking them.

  • It can be taken with or without a meal.

Pregabalin Side Effects

The six common side effects of Pregabalin include dizziness, increased appetite, dry mouth, drowsiness, nausea, and headaches.


Dizziness is a common side effect of Pregabalin and is more frequent when you start the treatment or when the dose is increased. The symptoms of dizziness may also include loss of balance, lightheadedness, and a feeling of your head spinning.

Increased Appetite-

Pregabalin can increase your appetite and make you hungrier, leading to weight gain. Maintain a balanced diet and do not increase your meal portions to avoid weight gain.

Dry Mouth-

Dry mouth is one of the most common side effects of Pregabalin. Some of the symptoms of dry mouth caused by Pregabalin include dry tongues, thirst, and cracks at the corner of the mouth or lips.

Doctors prescribe lowering caffeine intake, increasing the intake of water, chewing gum to help your saliva, and using over-the-counter mouthwashes to help with dry mouth.


Pregabalin can affect the spinal cord and the brain, resulting in drowsiness and sedation. It is more common when you start the treatment and with doses of 300mg or more per day. Drowsiness or sleepiness associated with Pregabalin improves over time.


It is one of the most common Pregabalin withdrawal symptoms that result from rapid or abrupt discontinuation of the medication.

Take the medication with or after a meal and avoid spicy food to ease the symptoms of nausea.


Headaches caused by Pregabalin are mild and often improve after the first week of the treatment. It affects up to 10% of the users. Stay hydrated to avoid headaches associated with Pregabalin.

Consult a doctor immediately if you experience shallow breathing, allergic reaction, blurred vision, unusual bleeding, muscle weakness or tenderness, and skin sores.

Precautions And Warnings

  • Before taking Pregabalin, ensure that you are not allergic to it or the other compounds present in its formulation.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid its intake as it may cause birth defects in the fetus while affecting the growth and development of the infant.

  • Do not drive or use heavy machinery, as it can cause dizziness and drowsiness.

  • It can affect male fertility by decreasing the sperm count.

  • Pregabalin is not prescribed to people older than 65 and under 18 years old.

  • People with the following six health disorders should consult a doctor before taking Pregabalin Capsules.

    • Kidney disease

    • Lung disorder

    • Mental health issues

    • Bleeding disorder

    • A history of alcohol or drug addiction

    • Allergic reaction.

  • Elderly patients taking Pregabalin should avoid standing up or sitting up quickly to reduce the risk of dizziness.

  • Pregabalin, along with Nervigesic, is a prescription medication that must be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Pregabalin Interactions

Pregabalin, when taken with other medications and supplements, can cause drug interaction. It can cause major or severe interaction with alfentanil, butorphanol, codeine, dezocine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, methadone, and oxycodone.

These eight medications, when taken with Pregabalin, can cause Central Nervous System depression, leading to respiratory distress. In severe cases, it may also lead to coma.

Pregabalin also causes severe interaction with sodium oxybate, a treatment for narcolepsy. Taking them together can result in depression, drowsiness, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, shallow breathing, confusion, impairment of judgment, thinking, and motor coordination.

Apart from the severe drug interaction, it can also cause moderate and mild interaction with the following ten medications.

  • Acrivastine- an allergy medication.

  • Buspirone, oxazepam, and lorazepam- medications used to treat anxiety disorders.

  • Captopril- a treatment for high pressure.

  • Fluvoxamine and paroxetine- antidepressant medications.

  • anticonvulsant such as halazepam and Gabapentin

  • Mitotane- a cancer treatment.

It is important to note that this is not a complete list of all the possible drug interactions of the Pregabalin medication. People undergoing other treatments should consult a doctor before taking any medication with Pregabalin.


+ Is it safe to order pregabalin capsules online?

Yes, it is safe to order Pregabalin capsules from a licensed pharmacy.

+ Is pregabalin the same as Lyrica?

Yes, they are the same. Lyrica is the brand drug of Pregabalin.

+ Why is pregabalin a controlled substance?

Pregabalin is a Schedule V prescription drug due to its low potency for abuse.

+ How long should I take pregabalin for nerve pain?

The duration of treatment for nerve pain with pregabalin is determined by your physician. It should be taken till you achieve complete relief from pain.

+ Is pregabalin addictive?

No, Pregabalin has a low frequency of addiction and abuse.

+ What is the pregabalin cost?

The cost of Pregabalin may vary based on the dosage strength. At the Online Pills Store, Nervigesic 75 mg, 150 mg, and 300 mg cost $1.12 per pill, $1.17 per pill, and $1.23 per pill, respectively.

+ Can I take pregabalin for anxiety?

Yes, Pregabalin can be taken for managing anxiety symptoms.

+ How long does pregabalin take to kick in?

Pregabalin works immediately. However, in some people, it may take a week or more to show effective results.

+ Can I take pregabalin and alcohol together?

No, do not take Pregabalin and alcohol together. Taking them together can cause dizziness and drowsiness.

+ Is pregabalin the same as gabapentin?

No, Pregabalin is not the same as Gabapentin, even though they both belong to the same drug class. However, they are both used as anti-epileptic medications and to treat nerve pain.

+ Is pregabalin a painkiller?

No, Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant, but it can be used as a painkiller for managing pain associated with fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy.

+ Is pregabalin a narcotic?

No, Pregabalin is not a narcotic but an anticonvulsants drug.

+ Does pregabalin cause weight gain?

Yes, Pregabalin causes weight gain, which is a common side effect of the medica tion.

+ How long does pregabalin withdrawal last?

The withdrawal symptoms of Pregabalin may last for a few days.

+ What is the maximum dose of pregabalin in 24 hours?

The maximum dose of Pregabalin in 24 hours is 600mg.

+ Is pregabalin an opioid?

No, Pregabain is not an opioid.

+ What is the pregabalin for nerve pain dose?

For nerve or neuropathic pain, the recommended dose of Nervigesic or Pregabalin is 75 mg for beginners.